Wendy Raven McNair
P.O. Box 72021
Marietta, GA 30007
(Atlanta, GA)
The demand for more variety in African American Young Adult titles is fueling the success of the Asleep trilogy by author Wendy Raven McNair. The trilogy chronicles the fantasy adventures of African American teen super beings.
“This started off as a simple desire to write a story my teen daughter couldn’t find which was a fantasy story featuring an African American teen girl as the lead character. In 2009 I released Asleep, the first book in the trilogy, and quickly discovered many other teens like my daughter who’ve been searching for this same kind of story reflecting them in the title role. The bonus is that the story has crossed gender, age, and racial lines to make it a favorite of a variety of readers.” ~ McNair
Awake, book 2 of the trilogy, was recently released October 2010. Asleep introduced the lead character, Adisa, to the secret world of super beings. Now Awake continues the story, reuniting Adisa with the birth parents who abandoned her in a cotton field when she was only three years old. While entertaining readers with a powerful mix of romance and superpowers, McNair infuses her stories with a positive message stressing self-reliance and inner strength.
“L. A. Banks is working on a Young Adult series featuring African American teens and Tananarive Due plans to feature a character from one of her previous stories, exploring how the young African American girl adapts to an incredible power she was born with. So even African American fantasy authors who’ve found success writing for mature audiences recognize the importance of creating stories that reflect strong African American female characters for younger audiences.” ~ McNair
Upcoming literary events for McNair include:
Oct. 30, 6pm Urban Grind (962 Marietta St., Atlanta, GA 30318)
Nov. 6, 12 noon Charis Books and More (1189 Euclid Ave., Atlanta, GA 30307)
Nov. 13, 3:30pm Sandy Springs Branch Library (395 Mount Vernon Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30328)
Dec. 5, (time TBA) BORDERS book store (The Avenue 4475 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062)
Dec. 11, 12 noon BORDERS book store (The Avenue 4475 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062)
Dec. 23, (time TBA) BORDERS book store (The Avenue 4475 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062)
McNair’s novels, Asleep and Awake, are available at amazon.com. For more information on the author and her books, visit wendyravenmcnair.com.
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– “God is one - one God is not only for one nation or for one religion, neither for one country, but one GOD for the whole universe.” “In this era of division, all have created their own gods. Humans still believe in one God but they have created their own gods for their groups (religions). Islam is a well known group (religion) and Muslims have created their own Islamic Allah for themselves, which is only concern about Muslim group and their beliefs and allow them to fight with non Muslims. The god of Christians cares only for Christians. Christian priests preach in churches that ISSA is the only way to heaven, and on judgement day non-Christians will be treated like animals and Christian god will never allow non-Christians into heaven. Hebrew god has chosen one nation known as Jewish, and their god allows them to kill non Jews.” “The kingdom of heaven is not like India, where a majority of Hindus live. The kingdom of heaven is not like Saudi Arabia, where only Muslims live. The kingdom of heaven is not like Israel, where only Jews live. And the kingdom of heaven is not like Italy, where only Christians live. The kingdom of heaven is more like London, where people from every nation live and have equal rights.”
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