Thousands Throughout United States Swarm To Theaters For New Harry Potter Film

Posted under Entertainment,Music by Alison Deloy on Friday 19 November 2010 at 5:19 pm

It was a scene that was all to popular, at more movie theaters than one can count. In places like Bibb County, Georgia over 2,000 fans stood in line for hours upon hours to get their chance to see the midnight screening of what expects to be one of the Holiday season’s biggest movie. The scene was the same in Annapolis, Maryland where over 1,100 did the exact same thing. The respective theaters were using every screen they had to show the film, anywhere from 10, to 16, to even 24 screen theaters all giving Hogwarts fans what they wanted to see.

Fans young and old, from the age of 13-73 were in line and waiting to experience a movie they said seemed to take ages to arrive. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows is also the seventh and final installment in the tremendously popular fiction series. “It was only July of last year that we saw The Half-Blood Prince but it seems like an entire lifetime has gone by waiting for this one to come out. I don’t know how I am going to manage for the 2nd part that comes out next year.” said Thomas Crownsworth, a 21 year old college student at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL.

The Deathly Hollows has been broken into 2 parts with the first being released November 19, 2010 and the second part, and final chapter of the film and the Harry Potter series itself hitting theaters over 6 months from the first portion, July 15, 2011.


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